Worth knowing – 2018 tour dates

The February/March CLE season is fast approaching and, as usual, Angus Macinnis will be out on the road flapping his mouth at people who have, for some reason, even agreed to pay money for that “privilege”.  There are three seminars coming up in the next few months which might be of interest to you, if you are interested in that sort of thing.

On 20 February 2018, Angus is speaking at a conference on Emerging Issues in Employment Law organised by the College of Law.  His topic is “The ethics of client legal privilege for employment lawyers” and the session will, as the name suggests, satisfy the compulsory ethics requirement.

On 9 March 2018 in the morning, Angus is speaking at a Skills Workshop on Business Planning, Client Relationships and Ethics also organised by the College of Law.  His topic is “#TheEthicalWorkplaceLawyer” which will look at the way in which lawyers’ professional conduct obligations and workplace conduct obligations affect the practice of law in an era of social media.

On 9 March 2018 in the afternoon, Angus is speaking at the 5th Annual Workplace Law Conference organised by Legalwise (you can also take in Angus’ topic by attending the afternoon session only).  The topic is “#sacked LOL – The Employment Law Dimensions of Social Media Use” which will look at the employment aspects of social media both as part of, and “outside” employment, and aim to answer the question, “What do employers need to do to avoid the status update ‘being sued”?

To find out more about the seminars, click the links above or contact Angus Macinnis directly.  Angus also provides training on employment law, anti-discrimination law, and work health and safety law issues to boards, line managers, and “shop floor” employees to clients across a range of industries, so if your organisation would like Angus to come and flap his mouth at you, he would be (unsurprisingly) delighted to help.

January 18
SVL in the community