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Worth Knowing

Modern slavery in 2020 – the year of living slaver-less-ly

On 1 January 2019, the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (the Act) commenced, which means that this year is the first year that reporting requirements apply.  The Act is one of the first attempts in the world to create national legislation that defines “modern slavery” and, unlike similar legislation from other countries, the reporting criteria under

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February 24
Employment Law

SVL in the LSJ – the professional conduct consequences of emailing the judge without obtaining an opponent’s consent

The Australian Solicitors Conduct Rules (ASCR) forbid ex parte communications with the Court without the consent of opposing parties (which includes communications by email).  Although there have been a string of cases in which judges have provided guidance to solicitors about how to observe this rule, anecdotal evidence suggests that this may be the provision 

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February 3
Lawyers' professional conduct SVL in the community

Can a contract prevent your customers from poaching your employees?

It is common for employment contracts to contain post-employment restraints, but it is less common to see clauses in agreements with customers (for example, in services agreements) which prevent the customers of a business from “poaching” the employees of the business. There are good reasons for this – when post-employment restraints are dealt with in

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February 5
Employment Law Litigation and dispute resolution

If it’s not original, it will be dismissed Swiftly – the lessons from the “Shake it off” copyright case

When reading legal cases, it is common to see references to the work of learned legal authorities.  It is less common to see references to the work of Fleetwood Mac, Cypress Hill, Outkast and Sir Mix-A-Lot.  However, in a recent US case alleging copyright infringement by singer Taylor Swift and her songwriting team, it was the judge’s

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February 23
Intellectual property law

The complete guide to “what not to text your boss”

Most of us have days when the boss gets on our nerves (not me, of course; my employers are (a) wonderful people and (b) very likely to be reading this). But if the boss gets on your wick and is hopelessly thick so you can’t take a trick, should you call them a dick? The

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February 21
Employment Law