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Worth Knowing

Vaccines, but not heard: FWC Full Bench finds failure to consult undermines employer vaccine requirement

If we had a dollar for every enquiry we have received about the entitlement of employers to require their employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, a quick tally-up around the office indicates that we would currently have $3,764. If we had a dollar for every time we have advised that consultation with employees was

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December 6
Employment Law Work health and safety

Bull market dispute resolved by disclaimer in cattle log

It is very common to read about plaintiffs who have commenced misleading and deceptive conduct actions complaining that they have been sold a complete load of bull.  It is less common for those cases to involve actual bulls. However, the New South Wales Court of Appeal last week considered a misleading and deceptive conduct case

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December 23
Commercial Law Competition and consumer law Litigation and dispute resolution

“See you in court!” (but which one to choose?)

Involvement in complex litigation is enough to get anyone into a right state – and all the more so when the Australian State in which the litigation is taking place is not a State in which you have a main place of business (or in which you have access to trusted lawyers).  A plaintiff gets to choose where litigation will

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December 9
Commercial Law Litigation and dispute resolution

The nightmare before Christmas

The days are getting longer. The smell of summer is in the air. The conquest of shopping centre Muzak systems by Christmas carols is (for the next little while, at least) total and complete. Yes, Christmas is coming – but before the season of peace and goodwill to all, first must come the work Christmas

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December 5
Employment Law

Sexual harassment – when are “historical” claims out of time in Australia?

In recent days, there has been a lot of media coverage of what are beginning to be called “historical” sexual harassment claims alleging harassment by Famous Men.  As some of those Famous Men are starting to respond to this coverage with defamation proceedings, it is unnecessary for us to name any names.  You know who

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December 21
Employment Law

StevensVuaran Lawyers on termination of employment in Australian Dairy Foods magazine

From time to time, we like to spread the word  of what we do beyond the corners of this website. The word has spread as far as this month’s edition of Australian Dairy Foods Magazine, which includes an article by Angus on what it means to “take the initiative” in relation to the termination of

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December 1
Agribusiness law Employment Law