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Employment Law

From the archive – “No social media policy? “Not sufficient”, says Fair Work Australia”

[Editorial note – this article was first written by Angus in 2012 when he was at DibbsBarker.  As (a) the article is no longer available on the DibbsBarker website, following the demise of that firm and (b) the article still holds up pretty well in 2018, we have republished it for you]  Any employers who

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May 22
Employment Law

Freezing orders against ex-employees – when should employers move in for the chill?

The discovery that a formerly trusted employee has been defrauding their employer throws up a lot of questions.  How could this have happened? Do I have to involve the police?  And sometimes most importantly, am I ever going to see the stolen money again? Freeze a jolly bad fellow (allegedly) The answer to the third

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May 13
Employment Law Litigation and dispute resolution