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Employment Law

Employment relationship a “necessary precursor” for vicarious liability, says the High Court

Until fairly recently, most Australian lawyers would have agreed with the proposition that in order for an organisation to be liable for an individual’s torts, there would need to be a relationship of employment between the organisation and the individual. However, in the last couple of years, the Supreme Court of Victoria considered the position

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November 13
Employment Law Litigation and dispute resolution

If you get a job with a fake CV, do you have to pay the wages back when you get caught?

The Latin phrase “curriculum vitae” translates as “course of life”, but with the apparently increasing prevalence of CV fraud, there are some cases where a better translation would be “course of lies”.  News websites are awash with surveys about the number of people who have apparently engaged in CV fraud, although given that many of

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August 24
Employment Law

Vaccines, but not heard: FWC Full Bench finds failure to consult undermines employer vaccine requirement

If we had a dollar for every enquiry we have received about the entitlement of employers to require their employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, a quick tally-up around the office indicates that we would currently have $3,764. If we had a dollar for every time we have advised that consultation with employees was

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December 6
Employment Law Work health and safety

Sweeping changes to Fair Work Act for employers eligible for jobkeeper payment

Much of the media coverage about the Commonwealth’s jobkeeper payment scheme has followed the money; namely, the fact that the scheme will provide a payment of $1500 per fortnight to eligible employers to support the continued employment of their employees.  However, sometimes it’s not just about the money;  where an employer is eligible for the

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April 13
Employment Law

Modern slavery in 2020 – the year of living slaver-less-ly

On 1 January 2019, the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (the Act) commenced, which means that this year is the first year that reporting requirements apply.  The Act is one of the first attempts in the world to create national legislation that defines “modern slavery” and, unlike similar legislation from other countries, the reporting criteria under

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February 24
Employment Law

Can a non-profit organisation recover damages for lost profits?

When an innocent party is faced with an apparent breach of contract, there are always two questions to ask.  The first question is, “how strong is my argument that what has happened is, in, fact, a breach of contract?”  The second question, which is often more important, is “can I obtain a remedy which will

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January 31
Employment Law Litigation and dispute resolution

Trade mark claims in industrial disputes? Not Really Maintainable, Actually

You might be surprised to learn that an organisation with the word “Roads” in its name would find itself in dispute with the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) (which is now a branch of the CFMMEU).  However, it’s a long road which has no turning, and as the National Roads and Motorists Association Ltd (NRMA)

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October 7
Employment Law Intellectual property law

“You know how to whistle, don’t you? You just put your lips together and blow.”

Whilst the key to whistling may have been summed up by Lauren Bacall to Humphrey Bogart in To Have and Have Not, it is, unfortunately, not nearly so easy to summarise Australia’s new whistleblower laws which took effect on 1 July 2019. The Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Whistleblower Protections) Act 2019 (Cth) provides a single,

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September 23
Employment Law Litigation and dispute resolution

August publications in august publications

From time to time, the scribbles we provide for you here find homes in publications even more august than this humble website (it may be hard to believe that you can get more august than this humble website, but true it is).  This month, Angus has articles in the August editions of both the Law

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August 1
Defamation Employment Law SVL in the community

Can you sue an employee who gains employment with a misleading CV?

The provision of misleading CVs by prospective employees can lead to a number of legal problems when the truth is discovered.  In most cases, the employer will dismiss the employee (and provided the investigation has been careful, the employer will usually be on safe ground in doing so). In a number of recent high profile cases, criminal charges

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July 6
Employment Law Litigation and dispute resolution
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