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Commercial Law

In Mad Max dispute, all (Fury) roads lead to arbitration

So, let’s play a little word association game – what do you come up with if we give you “Mad Max” and “alternative dispute resolution”? There are, of course, a few different possibilities.   You might be thinking of the crowd in Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome chanting, “Bust a deal, face the wheel” (which is one

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April 27
Commercial Law Litigation and dispute resolution

The receivers tried to take this company’s stuff and you won’t believe what happened next

OK, we apologise for the clickbait headline, but this is an article about the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) (the PPSA) – and we know that much of the PPSA is so snooze-worthy that cases concerning its application are recommended by 9 of 10 doctors as emergency substitutes when your prescription sleeping medication runs

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September 28
Commercial Law Litigation and dispute resolution PPSA Law

When commercial arbitration goes against the grain

Breaking up (so the song tells us) is hard to do.  This proposition is no less true of commercial relationships than it is of personal relationships, which is why difficulties can arise in the enforcement of contractual dispute resolution procedures, such as agreements to arbitrate.  Once a dispute actually arises, one party to the agreement

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August 4
Commercial Law Litigation and dispute resolution
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