From time to time, the scribbles we provide for you here find homes in publications even more august than this humble website (it may be hard to believe that you can get more august than this humble website, but true it is). This month, Angus has articles in the August editions of both the Law Society Journal and Australian Dairy Foods Magazine, a combination probably best described not so much as chalk and cheese, but as talk and cheese.
The article in the Law Society Journal concerns the recent decision of the Supreme Court of New South Wales about defamation liability arising from the publication of Facebook comments. If you have a Law Society Journal login, you can read the article as a single page by clicking here (or if you don’t have a login, you can read the article in the electronic edition of the Journal by clicking here).
The article in Australian Dairy Foods Magazine is an edited version of the article we published on the website in May about the duty of care owed by employers to careless employees. You can download the article as a PDF (republished with permission) by clicking on the link at the foot of this page.
Alternatively, you can buy the magazine here.
For more on our defamation capabilities, contact Dennis Vuaran or Angus Macinnis
For more on our employment law capabilities, contact Leonard Lozina or Angus Macinnis
For more on our agribusiness law capabilities, contact Philip Stevens
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Download link: ADF August 2019 – Duty of Care